Belen Harvey House Museum, Duke City Paranormal Research Society.

Belen Harvey House Museum – Evidence Gallery

We came across the Museum when Ed and I were doing research for an investigation of a private residence in Belen. After talking to Ronnie, the Administrator, we inquired about possible paranormal activity at the Museum and he confirmed that there was indeed activity and most of the staff had experienced such.

After a subsequent meeting, we were given permission to conduct an investigation at the Museum on Saturday, April 05. We were joined by museum docents Jennifer and Heidi.

Analysis of all equipment showed the investigation rich with noises, loud bangs, orbs, physical contact and a possible apparition in a window at the far end of the 2nd floor hallway (further analysis of this particular photo proved that it was indeed not an apparition but a reflection.)

Personal experiences were as follow:

In the basement, as Ed was taking pictures, he experienced a feeling on his left hand of coming into contact with a spider web. Using his flashlight, he saw that there was nothing on his hand.

During the time Ed and I (joined by Heidi) were doing an EVP session of the 2nd floor the EMF detector gave 2 - 3 beeps once Ed stepped into the Theater room. No explanation was found.

I experienced a Hot Spot at the top of the stairs during my walk-through with Jennifer and Heidi. A temperature drop was felt as we were going down the stairs.

Noises were heard down the far hallway of 2 nd floor as if someone was whispering (although it was not caught on the voice recorder.) (Question: was this about the same time Ed caught the orb in the same hallway?!!)

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